Friday, March 23, 2007

this is outrageous!

i just burnt 45 bucks for gas this evening. the thing that upsets me is that i don't even drive much. i'm pretty conscious about my carbon footprint, and so i try to avoid needless trips and carpool or take public trans instead. i'm also not about to let all the time and work i put into babysitting and catering to be eaten up by the gas bill. that's ridiculous! i'm not gonna have it anymore. it's time i take out the rusty ol' bike from the garage and cycle every chance i get. i can use the exercise, anyway.

side note: sure it's great that gas prices are so high that people are being motivated to take other means of transportation that are less dependent on oil and frankly, environmentally-friendly. but at the same time, it's not the ethical tactic. consumers can use more than simply negative reinforcement and unfair corporate practices like price gauging. how about some affordable biodiesel run-engines and hybrids. and electric cars?

'til then, it's me and my mountain bike.


Anonymous said...

biking is relaxing too. It's definitely a good thing.

Ren said...

consumers can use more than simply negative reinforcement and unfair corporate practices like price gauging.
No they don't, 'negative reinforcement' is just an incentive. For change to happen, something in the circumstances, the system of the scenario must change. Higher prices = impetus for change

how about some affordable biodiesel run-engines and hybrids. and electric cars?
Hybrids, eh, unless they're running mostly on battery, and only gas as minor back up.
But yea, thats where we've got to be looking.
Who Killed the Electric Car